Friday, March 19, 2004

Lets have a good meddle with land use issues !
There will be no effective uproar by those who act as custodians for our resources - after all they
are irrelevant -at least politically (

Polys have finally found something that doesn't matter but on which they can pontificate .I say doesn't matter because all the talk of
cuttingedgeconservation( blogspot of that name ) "professionals" are just NOT important. After all they are not organised like medicos .
doesn't matter if the peasants and the professionals get cut by all the careless talk - they don't
matter politically-- they are just wingeing farmers and their suspect friends

Between Bob Brown and Mark
Latham they know what to do ( in tas yesterday) - close down use of the land - its that simple!
Problems with surgery you say? - lets have none of it !
Dead easy mate

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Grow CPR grow Great to see Competition Policy Resistance association form this week in NSW -hope it will be the start of something much bigger . shake the comfortable out of their cosy complacency and conformity over competition policy and their undiscerning love of all kinds of cancerous instead of sustainable growths . "The CPR holds real concerns in a number of areas – in part

-Diminished professional services in rural areas;
-An undermining of professional accountability;
-A deterioration in customer service and duty of care, including erosion of standards of responsible service of alcohol;