Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Do people have to die before Governments are forced to act ?

Yes -- far too often . They don't know and its worse when they don't admit they don't know that they don"t know - and don't consult the small voices in the household.  Progress comes from,  not someones knowledge,  but everyone's knowledge .

Many professionals reading the heading  know this headline  to be true

. We are ruled in AUSTRALIA ( until we change the system) by the superficial and the superficial, reactionary and ineffective  medicine that flows from that . The most urbanized country in the world
is at risk of losing touch with its most productive  and thoughtful members.
Until we insist in a return to the founding fathers vision of  responsible representation . the  democracy we have NOW will grind into ineffectiveness.

 Watch out for the pathetic blind  pedantry that says Democracy is just about numbers . If you care for the country you give a voice to the country . Anyone who name calls and doesn't recall the need for gerrymanders is a patheticly narrow minded pedant.- sorry if i have offended you.

Our vision of what works is a system that makes us listen to each other, not the majority all the time.

No more patriarchal nonsense from the city;  telling us it knows how the country should be run.
 Go children ! Go millennial's