Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Those annoying itches

If the itch doesn't go away, we keep scratching. The best solution is often to leave the sore alone, but we are all tempted to keep scratching . Our leaders do the same - its really annoying to watch , especially when its our money or others care thats wasted in the quickfiz .

How do you stop youself from doing it ? - especially if the bigger issue is that you are unsettled and not at peace with yourself . We have all been there . The choice? Sores or self control ?

The solution to this enormous waste and frustration is simply to accept that we are not perfect and find a worldview that enables you to accept that. Deal with irritation anger and your faults as they come .

Not as easy as it looks from the outside . Remedies for scratching habits aren't curealls. But pretending there are such things makes a lot of people a lot of money . Governments even feel the need to apply balm which is quite Ok if they pay us to apply it; Provided they don't name the brand , the places and the signal to noise ratio that triggers a grant. Leave that to the professionals.
If you want a cure all, you may feel the need to watch more TV , rather than read the good book .One works the others just waste time and prevent you from exercising - excercising self control .

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