Yes -- far too often . They don't know and its worse when they don't admit they don't know that they don"t know - and don't consult the small voices in the household. Progress comes from, not someones knowledge, but everyone's knowledge .
Many professionals reading the heading know this headline to be true
. We are ruled in AUSTRALIA ( until we change the system) by the superficial and the superficial, reactionary and ineffective medicine that flows from that . The most urbanized country in the world
is at risk of losing touch with its most productive and thoughtful members.
Until we insist in a return to the founding fathers vision of responsible representation . the democracy we have NOW will grind into ineffectiveness.
Watch out for the pathetic blind pedantry that says Democracy is just about numbers . If you care for the country you give a voice to the country . Anyone who name calls and doesn't recall the need for gerrymanders is a patheticly narrow minded pedant.- sorry if i have offended you.
Our vision of what works is a system that makes us listen to each other, not the majority all the time.
No more patriarchal nonsense from the city; telling us it knows how the country should be run.
Go children ! Go millennial's
Nothing threatens Western democracies more than the growing cost of healthcare( incl environmental). Nothing threatens health care like the careless slashing at complex targets. Don't cut us carelessly as many wannabes are doing by trying to make us better behaved., when people with sound competencies must be given the job and the freedom to act. A place to Tentatively ADVISE the Emperor - an initiative of Emperor's Academy