It may not be well known in our society , but those of who have worked with incentives KNOW it is possible to make things worse when you throw money( even lots of money) at a genuine problem .
Rudd's and Brumby's team are not alone, but they might take the cake for best intentions gone wrong because they seem to be unaware of how dangerous it is to take advice from those you clone to closely and how difficult it is to get the HOW right when you employ people with no experience and competency at the care coalface.
Our state schools have problems ,but so has our society . Our kids need every mentor still at school to stay there . The good teachers in our State schools need all the help they can get , because they do an impossible job . ( Read H.L. Menken on "The educational process" for the glass fully empty version - he wrote this at more stable times . These aren't the best of times for teachers cause they are doing a great job trying to make up for deficiencies at home )
The solution is, as often happens in the care professions - don't change the structure, build more buildings or offer us help anywhere else, but right on the hard cutting edge .What can i do to help YOU ?
How many good teachers will have left the State system simply because the Change agents in state and federal areas think and practice quickfiz:
They wanna help but only in ways THEY think are most helpful - whats' new .
They wanna listen or they will be outta office sooner than they think possible.
At least 6 in out town have gone to private schools in the last few years.